Crucial Cosmic Crossroads



The next live Event Saturday, April 6th 11am PDT • 12pm CDMX • 2pm EDT • 8 pm Europe


Join us during this critical time and let us unleash the protective forces of nature against all forms of negativity seen and unseen. In addition to the equinoxes and solstices, in 2024 Dr. Levry will give specific guidance and protocols for each of the solar and lunar eclipses so we can direct the forces of nature positively and be prepared for the changes that follow. These seven live events, beginning March 23 with the first equinox of the year, are designed to lead to an awakening and renewing of the soul's powers that can carry one through any adversity.


The next Live Event to prepare us for the April 8 Total Solar Eclipse is almost here...  Join now!










The end of the old world as we know it, is causing many people to enter into the dark night of the soul.


More than ever before individuals will suffer from depression, from tiredness, from fear. Many individuals at this moment in time are approaching a point of despair in their life. Many feel a deep sense that something is missing in their lives. In an effort to fill the hole in their hearts, they search everywhere and anywhere. People are looking for something to fill the emptiness inside their hearts. They are looking for something to give them purpose and meaning, something to give them hope and direction.  Something to give them a reason why they are here. We want to be reminded of who and what we are and why we are here. Many people’s shadows will strike them, and they will not be able to shake themselves free. The shadows bring hidden wisdom, opportunities for growth and expression, so that the shadows can be transformed. Some people will seek escape in all form of addiction. It is important to prepare yourself for these critical times, and to fortify ourselves. All cracks in our being must be sealed with the fire of Divine Spiritual Wisdom so that no darkness can infiltrate. By maintaining ourselves, we can help to maintain others, and, in turn, save the earth.

It is our relationship to the light that allows us to move through time and space gracefully. We have to resurrect our relationship with the Divine. Lets become the fire that illumines and gives warmth, like a spring of water that quenches thirst, like a tree that shelters and protects. Let’s embrace these seven live events so that all shadows may be dispelled so that our heart may be as pure as a pure crystal. In these challenging times, it is important to flow by attuning to the heart, the higher will, and the guiding hand of God. This wave of depression, of darkness will be intense and we may be guided to help in it. Let us embrace the seven live events in order to ignite the flame of positivity, lighting the flame of the heart so that the darkness of the night burns away to become the brightness of a new morning. As a result, we give permission to others to light the candle of their hearts. Each candle lights another, until the world is flooded with heart light and wisdom.

March 23

Dr. Levry’s Birthday + Global Equinox  Guidance for the March 25 Lunar Eclipse 

April 6

Timely Guidance for the April 8 Total Solar Eclipse 


June 22 

Global Solstice Celebration


August 3


Timely Guidance for the Aug. 8 Lion’s Gate 

Sept. 7

Timely Guidance for the Sept. 17 Lunar Eclipse 

September 21

Global Equinox Celebration + Guidance for Oct. 2 Solar Eclipse

December 21

Global Solstice Celebration with Dr. Levry 


Join us for the Crucial Cosmic Crossroads Lecture Series with Dr. Levry, designed to unleash the protective forces of nature against all forms of negativity seen and unseen, and to empower you to thrive in these massively important times. 



What to expect in these 7 Vital Planetary Events to Prepare You for the Critical Times Ahead


As we move through this transformational period many see the growing need to call upon their inner light. The increasing darkness of the end of Kali Yuga already predicted long ago, is here and is challenging us personally and collectively. These times are increasingly testing our limits. We must reach inside and find within ourselves the hope, the guiding light and the clarity that come from the still and tender voice that emanates from our heart. We must look within, and from the center of our heart call forth the light of our being. It is important to prepare and fortify ourselves at this pivotal time. All cracks in our being must be sealed with the fire of Divine Spiritual Wisdom so that no darkness can infiltrate. Some people may feel that the forces of light that guide them, are receding. Many may feel that they are on their own, that they have seemingly been abandoned by the Divine. Many may feel that the challenge has been too great, that if only God had continued to assist them through the difficulties, things would have been better.

We must reach inside and find within ourselves the hope, the guiding light and the clarity that come from the still and tender voice that emanates from our heart. We must look within, and from the center of our heart call forth the light of our being.

These seven vital planetary live events will:

  • give you the exact spiritual tools you need every step of the way, so that you stay clear of panic and are not alarmed but instead remain calm, centered to the power of your discernment and completely aligned to the light.

  • help us cast out any fear, concern, darkness, or worry that is clouding our mind or emotional self in order that the universe may take these energies and convert them into light.

  • be a focal point so that we can come together as a strong spiritual community to transform and transcend the illusion of separation. For us to overcome the challenges of this critical time, we must recognize we are all brothers and sisters.

These are special times, times when the final remaining energies that come from the source that is God will be sent to the earth in order to aid mankind in making the spiritual transition that is needed in order for the world to be saved.




Join us for the Crucial Cosmic Crossroads Lecture Series with Dr. Levry