A Psychotherapeutic Application of a Fourth Dimensional Metaphysical Practice applied to Health and Success
Learn to use the laws of the fourth dimension to bypass the linear process of time and space and live a better life now, not in some distant future
The 4th Dimension is the realm of inspiration, illumination, revelation, intuition, completion, life, joy, perfection and perfect ideas. The spiritual law of the fourth dimension transcends the law of Karma and has the capacity to free us from the law of cause and effect. By knowing how to work with the 4th Dimension we can move from the law of karma to the law of grace.
The divine design of our life that we must work with, so as to live a healthy, beautiful and magical life, is in the fourth dimension.
The fourth dimensional world is the key and the door to our true destiny, governed by Infinite and perfect Intelligence which is within each one of us. Ascending to the fourth dimension causes us to be free from all negative astral and mental influences, and we become absolue, free of conditioning. Through the mystical marriage of the fourth dimensional world with the third dimensional world, we cause the spirit to merge with the soul. As a result, we move in the realm of perfect ideas, because we are made in the image and likeness of God, and are given power and dominion over all created things, including our mind, body and affairs.
The fourth dimensional world has been, is, and will be the hope of glory. The gifts of God are bestowed upon those who know how to work with the fourth dimension. Our own fourth dimensional self, made in the image and likeness of God, is our redeemer and salvation from all inharmonious conditions. Everything we positively project in the fourth dimension becomes a perfect idea that is registered in Divine Mind, so that t may manifest, under grace, in a perfect way.
Part II Topics:
- Using the laws of the fourth dimension to bypass the linear process of time and space
- Working with the laws of the fourth dimension to heal generational karma in regards to material wealth
- A method to always be taken care of in the material world, regardless of the changing economic landscape in these times
- Healing your personal relationship with money
- Preparing yourself to be the perfect vessel to receive the abundance and blessings of Life
- How to act according to your 4D creation when your outer circumstances in the 3D are not matching yet
- How to become free of negative astral and mental influences
- How to connect with your fourth dimensional self, the aspect of you that is made in the image and likeness of the Divine Creator
For those who have taken Harmonyum, but have not yet taken Part 1:
We strongly encourage you to take Part I, to get the most from your Part II experience. Part I has multiple applications for self-healing that will help you neutralize internalized blocks that prevent you from receiving the blessings of health, wealth and goodness that Part II will go into detail about.
For those who are new to Harmonyum:
This course is an advanced course that usually requires pre-requisites. Because of the need for people to have this wisdom, pre-requisites are currently waived.
Should you wish to get a background in the wisdom of Harmonyum before taking this course, we have a special combination course package for you, that includes The Foundation Course, the prerequisite for all other Harmonyum certification courses. Your course package also includes Part 1 and Part 2.
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